Sunday, October 31, 2010

BMW HP2 Sport (2011)

FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONSBMW HP2 Sport. Throttle up. Blast off.With a staggering 130 horsepower, the HP 2 Sport features the most powerful Boxer engine ever designed by BMW Motorrad. For the first time ever, double overhead camshafts are included in our famous opposed twin cylinder motor, kicking out even more revs. Making the HP2 Sport even more track-ready is new Quickshifter

Suzuki Titan 115 Specs

Yamaha release Yamaha Xeon, higher spec Mio, and Bajaj release it’s light sport bike Pulsar 135, and Suzuki have it’s own strategy, it focus on cub bike type and release the newer version of Suzuki Smash. It come in the name of Suzuki Titan which bring 115cc four stroke engine.As we know that there have been Honda Absolute Revo and Yamaha Vega in the market, so we can note that Titans projected

Pulsar 135cc

Bajaj seems to be serious to sell sport bike in Indonesian market. After being success selling 200 CC and 180cc, Bajaj Auto Indonesia now bring it’s 135cc variant to enter Indonesian market. 135cc class sport bike is not usual in Indonesia. None of Japanese manufacturer selling sport bike with 135cc engine, but always 125, 150, 160, and 200cc like Suzuki Thunder, Yamaha Vixion, Honda Mega Pro,

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Perawatan Busi

Periksalah busi 1.000 km pertamadan setiap 3.000 km selanjutnya. Ganti busi setiap 6.000 km

Mengabaikan perawatan busi akan mengakibatkan mesin sukar dihidupkan dan berkurang tenaganya.

Bila busi digunakan dalam waktu yang cukup lama, elektroda sedikit demi sedikit akan aus terbakar dan akan terjadi endapan arang di sekitar bagian dalam busi.

Sesuai jadwal perawatan berkala, busi harus dikeluarkan untuk diperiksa, dibersihkan dan disetel jarak celah busi.

Penimbunan arang di dalam kepala busi menghalangi percikan bunga api dan mengakibatkan gangguan pembakaran.

Bersihkan arang busi secara berkala.

Bila elektroda bagian tengah aus sama sekali, maka busi harus diganti dan celahnya disetel dengan menggunakan alat ukur ketebalan (tickness gauge).

Tips :
1. Periksa kondisi pembakaran pada busi. Bila tidak normal ganti sesuai spesifikasi.
2. Kencangkan busi dalam kepala cylinder sesuai dengan kekencangan yang telah ditentukan.

Perawatan Rantai sepeda motor suzuki

Demi keamanan pengendara, periksalah selalu kondisi dan setelan rantai sebelum memakai sepeda motor. Pada pelaksanaan pemeriksaan berkala, pada tiap 1.000 km, periksalah kondisi kemungkinan kerusakan rantai berikut ini :

1. Pin kendor atau terlepas
2. Mata rantai rusak.
3. Mata rantai macet atau oblak
4. Melampaui batas pemakaian atau aus
5. Setelan rantai tidak tepat.

Penyetelan Rantai Penggerak
Setel ketegangan rantai penggerak setiap 1.000 km dengan cara di bawah ini, hingga didapatkan ketegangan 5- 25 mm.

Tips Penggantian Oli Mesin Suzuki New Shogun 125, ( FL 125 )

Suzuki New Shogun 125 yang mengadopsi mesin tipe FL 125 telah mendapat beberapa penyempurnaan pada dapur pacunya. Antara lain, minimnya getaran dan bunyi mesin, perpindahan gigi yang sempurna, peningkatan performa mesin, irit bahan bakar dan rendah emisi gas buang. Untuk mendukung kelancaran kinerja teknologi pada mesin ini, dianjurkan untuk melakukan perawatan berkala pada New Shogun 125 di bengkel resmi Suzuki, diantaranya penggantian oli mesin.

"Agar jeroan mesin tetap awet dan terawat dengan baik, kita wajib melakukan penggantian oli mesin sesuai buku petunjuk," ujar Pendi Suryanda, Senior Instruktur Mekanik Suzuki R2. Untuk penggantian oli pada tipe mesin FL 125 ini, Suzuki telah melakukan inovasi untuk mempermudah dalam pengurasan oli mesin. Lubang buang oli yang biasanya terdapat di bawah mesin, dipindah ke sebelah kiri mesin dekat tuas perseneling. Dengan adanya lubang pembuangan oli di samping, memudahkan kita untuk membuka dan mengencangkan baut, hal ini juga dapat menghindari terjadinya aus pada baut dan lubang buang. Tak hanya itu, pada mesin New Shogun 125 sudah tidak menggunakan stik pengontrol oli. Dan sebagai gantinya, terdapat lubang pengontrol oli yang transparan. Sehingga memudahkan untuk mengecek apakah oli berkurang
atau tidak. Untuk menjaga fungsi pelumasan tetap terjaga dengan baik, New Shogun 125 dilengkapi dengan filter oli yang terletak bersebelahan dengan lubang buang oli. "Kita mesti sedikit teliti pada posisi atau penempatan filter oli ini. Jangan sampai posisi filter oli terbalik, ini akan menghambat sirkulasi oli ke seluruh komponen mesin," terang Pendi. Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan keausan dan kerusakan yang fatal pada komponen mesin New Shogun 125 Anda.

Buka penutup lubang pembuangan oli samping lalu periksa dan keluarkan filter oli

Perhatikan petunjuk yang tertera di atas filter oli, lalu masukan kembali ke tempat pembuangan oli

Panduan Aman Berkendara Sepeda Motor Suzuki

Kecepatan dan Jarak Henti

Bila pengendara sepeda motor ingin menghentikan kendaraannya, pengendara menarik atau menginjak pedal rem. Tapi kendaraan pastinya tidak akan langsung berhenti namun butuh jarak lebih jauh dari titik pengendara tadi mengerem. Jarak ini disebut jarak berhenti. Jarak berhenti artinya jarak yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti total.
(Rumus: Empty distance + Braking distance).

Empty Distance
Empty Distance adalah jarak saat dimana pengendara menyadari harus mengerem. Kalau diumpamakan sebagai waktu, maka empty distance berkisaran 1 detik.

Braking Distance
Braking Distance adalah jarak yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti total mulai dari pengendara mengoperasikan rem. Bila kecepatan kendaraan semakin cepat, braking distance akan semakin panjang.
Berarti waktu yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti akan semakin lama. Selain itu braking distance juga tergantung pada kondisi permukaan jalan. Oleh karena itu pada kondisi jalan licin atau berpasirm pengendara diharap mengurangi kecepatan dan lebih berhati-hati.

Jarak Berhenti

Jaga jarak kendaraan anda dengan kendaraan di depan

Kondisi jalan Jarak Ideal Contoh
Permukaan jalan kering 0.5 x angka speedometer 100 km/jam = 50 m
Permukaan jalan menurun 1.5 x 0.5 x angka speedometer 100 km/jam = 75 m
Jarak Berhenti

Jenis Rem Sepeda Motor

Drum Brake
Berada pada bagian roda depan atau belakang. Di dalamnya terdapat brake shoe yang akan menekan dinding drum brake bila pengendara menarik tuas rem. Tekanan pada dinding menghasilkan gaya gesek sehingga kecepatan sepeda motor berkurang.

Disc Brake
Pada umumnya digunakan di bagian roda depan. Di dalam struktur disc brake terdapat disc pad. Disc pad mendapat tekanan dari caliper yang terdorong karena tekanan minyak rem. Akibat tekanan ini, disc pad bergesekan denga piringan rem.

Jenis Rem Sepeda Motor

Disc brake terdiri dari
- Master cylinder di setang
- Caliper di front fork
- Disc di wheel

Brake Drum
Komponen berputar bersama velg. Di dalamnya terdapat brake shoe.

Kecepatan dan Daya Tubruk
Semakin tinggi kecepatan, semakin besar daya tubruk yang akan diterima. Ilustrasi di bawah bisa dijadikan patokan untuk memahami hubungan kecepatan dan daya tubruk.

Tabel di bawah menggambarkan daya tubruk pada kecepatan:
- 60 km/jam = jatuh dari gedung lantai 5
- 70 km/jam = jatuh dari gedung lantai 7
- 90 km/jam = jatuh dari gedung lantai 10

2011 KTM 1190 RC8R Motorcycle

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2011 Honda CBR250R Photo Gallery

2011 Honda CBR250R Action2011 Honda CBR250R Tricolor Special Edition2011 Honda CBR250R Black2011 Honda CBR250R Photos2011 Honda CBR250R ABS Edition2011 Honda CBR250R First Look

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition

2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Motorcycles2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Details2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Photos2011 Triumph Daytona 675 Special Edition Sportbike

Friday, October 29, 2010

New Smash 110 VS Smash Titan 115

Melebihi New Smash & Setara Shogun 125

4891tes-titan-adib-1.jpgAda anggapan sinis terhadap harga motor segmen low underbone yang kerap dikaitkan dengan produk paket murah. Ada kesan, biar harganya terjangkau beberapa bagian komponen terpaksa dipangkas atau diturunkan kualitasnya. Bahkan desain yang disodorkan pun ala kadarnya. Ah.., biasa itu.

Kenyataannya tidak begitu dengan Suzuki Smash Titan 115, yang beberapa waktu lalu diperkenalkan. “Anggapan itu tidak selalu benar. Buktinya Smash Titan 115 justru menyodorkan konsep desain dan teknologi baru. Bahkan hampir sebagian fitur banyak adopsi dari produk Suzuki kelas premium macam New Shogun 125,” papar Josef A. Tan assisten manager 2W service training PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS).4892tes-titan-adib-2.jpg

Tak perlu basa-basi, Josef pun langsung menunjuk perbedaan signifikan antara Smash Titan 115 dengan New Smash. Kebetulan dua varian ini harganya selisih sedikit di kisaran harga di bawah Rp 12 juta. Bahkan beberapa fitur Samash Titan 115 berani dicompare dengan produk lain di segmen yang sama.

“Paling nyata mesinnya. Selain kapasitas naik dari 110 cc (bore 53,5 mm x stroke 48,8mm) ke 115 cc (51mm x 55,2 mm), komponen di seputar kepala silinder juga menyesuaikan. Garis besarnya, Titan 115 menjagokan torsi tanpa mengurangi tenaga di rpm atas,” lanjut Josef.

Dipertegas kembali kalau keunggulan torsi terlacak dari perubahan sudut di sektor batang klep. Kalau punya New Smash agak melebar keluar (in 280 ~ ex 320), sedangkan batang klep Titan 115 lebih tegak (in 240 ~ ex 260). Data yang didapat, overlap Titan 115 lebih besar 50 dari Smash yaitu 330.

Dari data di atas menunjukan kalau waktu buka-tutup klep in dan ex kedua varian me-ngalami perubahan. Kata Josef, untuk klep in New Smash terbuka 20° sebelum TMA (Titik Mati Atas) dan menutup 46° setelah TMB (Titik Mati Bawah). Sedangkan klep ex buka 48º sebelum TMB dan menutup 13º setelah TMA.

4893tes-titan-adib-3.jpgSebaliknya dengan Titan yang lebih singkat juga padat. Lantaran klep in buka 23º sebelum TMA dan tertutup 40º setelah TMB. Adapun klep ex buka 46º sebelum TMB dan tertutup 15º setelah TMA.

“Ubahan ini membuat torsi Titan makin besar. Karena bahan bakar yang masuk ruang bakar lebih singkat, padat dan efisien. Di data spesifikasi, mesin perbandingan kompresi sama (9,5 : 1), torsi maksimal 8,9 Nm/5.000 rpm. Sedang New Smash hanya 8,4 Nm/8.000 rpm,” imbuh Josef yang berkantor di kawasan industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur.

Selain bagian kepala silinder, Titan 115 juga mengadopsi TPS (Throttle Position Switch). Tugasnya mengatur kurva pengapian sesuai dengan cara berkendara. Tentunya dengan mengandalkan sinyal switch yang ada di bodi karburator Mikuni VM18SH.

Dan andalan tunggangan ini selain pakai rumah kopling model per spiral, di lubang liner bawah (tepat di crankcase) juga dilengkapi Suzuki Jet Cooling System (SJCS), macam di New Shogun 125 yang dipercaya mampu mendinginkan seher, pen, setang sehar juga liner.

NGGAK SETENGAH HATI4894tes-titan-adib-4.jpg

Produk baru PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS) ini tidak berubah setengah. Selain bagian mesin, cover bodi dan beberapa peranti juga direvisi. Itu guna menjawab keraguan konsumen yang ingin segera memilikinya.

Bisa dilihat pada penerapan desain sayap samping 3D ala moge GSX. Didukung kunci kontak pengaman ganda juga gunakan pelek palang khas sporty alias tidak lagi kaku.

“Bahkan persoalan rumah lampu belakang copot atau masalah PAIR yang awalnya di bawah pun sudah diperbaiki. Sehingga pemilik motor ini lebih yakin,” tegas Josef sambil meyakini Smash Titan 115 lebih tangguh.

Rantai Keteng Shogun 125

Bisa Boros Rp 400 Ribu

2647hal14_rantai-keteng_gt-1.jpgKaret kolor kendur paling kedodoran. Tapi, lain ceritanya kalau rantai keteng alias cam chain yang kendur di Suzuki Shogun 125 dan dibiarkan, siap-siap aja keluar duit lebih dari Rp 400 ribu. Penyakitnya menjalar karena bisa sampai kruk-as. Akan menghemat kalau sudah lebih dulu ganti rantai keteng satu set berikut tensioner yang dibanderol lebih Rp 100 ribuan.

Cam chain kendur bikin kerja gigi sentrik belakang atau timing sprocket berputar dengan beban berat. Nah, di sini pangkal masalahnya karena kelamaan gigi sproket timing bisa rontok. Kalau sudah rontok, terpaksa keluar duit lebih banyak. Ya, ditaksir bisa lebih dari Rp 400 ribu.2648rantai-keteng-gt--(2).jpg

Kenapa dana bisa membengkak kalau timing sprocket rusak? Gigi sentrik generasinya Suzuki Shogun sudah menyatu dengan kruk-as sebelah kiri. Berbeda dengan merek lain, sproket bisa dilepas dari kruk-as kiri, kayak di Yamaha Jupiter-Z atau semua generasi Honda Supra. Jadi, timing sprocket rontok di Jupiter-Z atau Supra X 125 cukup ganti sproket tok.

“Gejala rantai keteng mesti ganti terdeteksi dari suara berisik di mesin sebelah kiri. Suara yang terdengar seperti rantai roda kendur,” beber Hassan Basri, mekanik bengkel Hasan Motor, Jakarta Barat.

Untuk mengganti timing sprocket enggak cuma beli kruk-as sebelah kiri. Tapi, belinya harus satu set kanan-kiri. Silakan pilih cuekin rantai keteng kendur atau buruan diganti.

Piston Smash di Spin 125

Modal Rp 34 Ribu!

2581piston-smash-boyo.jpgBanyak pengguna Suzuki Spin 125 penasaran untuk meningkatkan akselerasi. Misalnya Triyoga Arya yang suka bongkar Spin 125 sendiri. “Ternyata ukuran piston Spin sama dengan Smash. Sama-sama ukuran 53,5 mm. Cuma beda bentuk di bagian atas aja,” kata Yoga.2582piston-spin-gt.jpg

"Karena bagian atas piston Smash lebih jenong ketimbang Spin. Itu dipastikan bikin rasio kompresinya sedikit lebih besar. Maka akselerasi juga ikut berubah," kata Sugio, kepala mekanik Suzuki Saharjo.

"Namun kenaikan rasio kompresi tadi tidak diketahui pasti karena belum diukur. Tapi menurut logika pasti naik," lanjut Sugio.

Ring piston tetap pakai punya Spin sehingga biaya menjadi murah. Hanya Rp 34 ribu aja.

Naiknya kompresi belum tentu spuyer naik. Namun Yoga coba cari setingan pas. Akhirnya dapat angka 100 untuk main-jet dan 17,5 untuk pilot-jet. Standar Spin pakai ukuran 97,5 dan 15.

Karburator Vakum

Kenali Dua Penyakit Utama

1669karbu-vakum-gt-1.jpgMasalah di karburator vakum bisa dirasakan saat melintir grip gas. Ada ciri utama waktu throttle diurut dan menunjukan bagian mana yang bermasalah.

Kalau diambil secara umum, penyakit karbu vakum ada dua. “Akibat pegas (gbr. 1) dan karet membran (gbr. 2). Biasanya karbu yang sering dibuka-pasang. Per ditarik dan membran salah pasang atau kena bensin yang bisa bikin melar,” ungkap Suwenda ‘Jack’ Charis, Manager Teknik bengkel umum Duta Auto Style (DAS), Bandung. 1670karbu-vakum-gt-2.jpg

Coba urut handel gas motor kalau pakai karburator vakum. Putaran mesin enggak sesuai waktu putaran handel gas yang lebih dari sepertiga putaran. Bahkan, grip gas enggak mau dibuka sampai mentok.

“Kalau per sudah ditarik, keras jadinya. Enggak bakal bisa benar meski grip gas sudah diputar full,” beber Jack yang perokok berat itu.

1671karbu-vakum-gt-3.jpgCiri kedua motor seperti enggak mau jalan waktu gas dibuka sepertiga putaran. Dipaksa pun sampai mentok, motor seperti batuk. Artinya, membran karbu berlubang. Efeknya, udara yang diisap karbu jadi enggak maksimal.

Lainnya problem yang ada di karbu vakum mirip ciri kedua. Meski begitu, belum tentu membran berlubang atau sobek. Tapi, ada kemungkinan salah pasang. Karet membran enggak dipasang sempurna dengan patokan tonjolan membran ditaruh di lubang atas karbu (gbr. 3).


Mesin sukar hidup biasanya akibat skep karbu seret. Gejalanya mirip per skep kelewat keras. Kadang meski dislah terus namun bensin tidak mau muncrat. Sebabnya skep tidak mau terangkat lantaran sudah seret karena kotoran.

Bikin lancarnya jangan menggunakan ampelas untuk mengikis kotoran di skep. Cukup pakai obat poles untuk mengikis kotoran. Sehingga permukaan skep tidak ikut ngangkat yang bisa menyebabkan bocor.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spin 125 Ganti Paha Ayam Mio

1300paha-ayam-axl-1.jpgRem belakang Suzuki Spin 125 yang dianggap kurang pakem, melahirkan banyak ide. Salah satunya sudah diterapkan komunitas Spinner Jakarta. Modalnya, mengganti paha ayam rem teromol pakai punya Yamaha Mio yang lebih panjang 2 cm.

Awas, jangan keliru comot paha ayam dari warteg. Apalagi comot paha cewek yang lagi jalan. Wuuu..itu sih bukannya nambah pakem, tapi malah bonyok digebukin orang, he..he..he. Comot paha ayam Mio yang lebih panjang tentu menguntungkan. Momen atau torsi yang didapat ketika menarik tuas rem otomatis jadi lebih besar.

Logikanya, dengan panjangin paha ayam alias tuas rem teromol, maka tarikan handel jadi lebih ringan. Efeknya, tekanan bisa lebih kuat lagi. Dibanding tuas pendek yang pastinya tarikan malah jadi terlalu keras. Bagel dan sudah ditarik kencang tapi efeknya di teromol enggak keras.

Langkah mengganti paha ayam punya Mio juga enggak ribet. Tinggal beli paham ayam, terus pasang deh. Tentu belinya di toko variasi, lah. Kalau paha ayam beneran, baru deh di warteg. Harganya juga murah. Cuma Rp 15.000. Ada pula yang variasi atau bukan orisinal yang dibanderol Rp 10 ribu.

“Pemasangan juga tinggal plek, nggak perlu ubah apa-apa lagi. Rem jadi lebih lembut dan pakem. Dibanding sebelumnya, keras dibejek juga masih tetap nyelonong,

Tips & Trik Suzuki Spin 125

Fungsi kabel gas adalah untuk mengontrol dan mengatur putaran mesin sesuai keinginan pengendaranya. Pada Suzuki Spin 125, kabel gas sangat penting mendapatkan perhatian khusus. Karena, pada tipe skutik khususnya Suzuki pin 125, mesin langsung dihubungkan ke roda belakang melalui V-Belt. Dengan demikian, apabila putaran gas dibuka, otomatis roda belakang bergerak dan motor akan melaju.
Untuk itu diperlukan kabel gas yang mudah dan lancar dioperasikan, agar pada waktu buka tutup gas dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Apabila gas tidak berfungsi dengan baik atau terjadi kemacetan maka akan berakibat fatal. Dimana pada jenis skutik, saat putaran rendah motor tidak akan bergerak dan pada putaran tinggi motor akan susah dikendalikan.

Berikut ini perawatan kabel gas yang dapat dilakukan pada Suzuki Spin 125 atau motor skutik lainnya:
1. Sebelum menghidupkan motor, periksa kabel gas, apakah masih berfungsi dengan cara grip gas beberapa kali.
2. Apabila terdapat karat pada bagian dalam kabel dan terjadi kemacetan sehingga tidak dapat ditarik lagi, gantilah dengan kabel yang baru.
3. Bersihkan dan oleskan Gemuk jika kabel gas terasa sedikit yang baru.
4. Kabel gas Spin memiliki rute yang panjang, sehingga memerlukan pengecekan yang lebih sering.
Anda juga dapat mengikuti prosedur seperti yang terdapat pada gambar-gambar di bawah ini.
a. Poros Kemudi
Periksa kondisi kabel gas yang menuju grip gas. Pastikan kabel gas tidak terjepit, perbaiki dengan cara mengendurkan klem dan hindari dari kondisi tertekuk atau ada bagian yang terkelupas.
b. Rangka belakang
Periksa kondisi kabel gas yang menuju karburator. Pastikan kabel gas tidak terjepit; perbaiki dengan cara mengendurkan klem dan hindari dari kondisi tertekuk atau ada bagian yang terkelupas.
Bila rute kabel tidak sesuai, perbaiki rute seperti ilustrasi yang ditunjukkan.
c. Atur jarak main kabel gas 2,0 - 4,0 mm. Setel jarak main kabel gas dengan cara mengatur penyetel 2 dan mur pengunci 1.
Untuk memudahkan dan mendapatkan hasil yang optimal pada motor anda, dianjurkan untuk melakukan perawatan berkala dengan membawa motor ke Bengkel Resmi Suzuki. Suzuki Arjosari Malang
Selamat mencoba!

over houle



remer karburator suzuki smash

remer karburator standart 17 mm menjadi 20 mm lumayan mendongkrak tenaga motor standart......

MODIFIKASI Suzuki Spin 125 2009 | X-Treem Harian

Consumer willingness modikator as desired. Yes, make motors that remain eligible for MODIF daily. Not just contezt! That proved Raynaldo Handoko on Bobby's Suzuki Spin 125, consumers who live in areas Tembalang Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java.

"Demand Bobby was like that. Not merely good in appearance, but also comfortable to wear daily, "says the owner of BJM Modified workshop on Jl. Sudirman, No. 128, Semarang, Central Java

Concept promoted to skubek bearing manufacturers 'S', low rider. But again, low rider daily. Hence, to be consistent with the concept, backdated from the standard engine mounting. Wheel base, increased length of 25 cm.

"Engine pipe mounting regenerated using 3x4 cm box. But, so rigid and strong, the pipe was coated with iron plate thickness 4 mm, "said the man was 28 years.

In order to look more and more sweet, engine mounting no covered fiberglass. Thus, the withdrawal process engine is not too flashy. Not only the engine and the wheels are back, but the model also join taxable touch pretentious.

Now, it adopted a model skubek monosock true. Yes, monosock which is in the middle frame and engine. It's no longer on the left side rear. For his own ass, take the brand to Yamaha Jupiter MX135 YSS.

Under quasi holder, placed in the engine mounting. Who's grip on the ass, embracing a model which is positioned at the center pin chassis. Plate holder is made of 6 mm.
Finish holder and backing wheel base, new problems arise. Namely, the carburetor is stuck order. Eit, but this is quickly overcome Handoko. "I changed the direction of the carburetor through the intake used Honda Supra replacement and played a little. So, now garnish direction to the right side, "I am a man who has a website

The final step, of course wheels. Low rider, baseball seemed to be complete if you cool wheel applications. Thus, adopting Handoko Honda Genio rim to the front. Genio is the diameter of the can rim 14 inches and width 4 inches customed again.

Moderate rear rim, rim wear Suzuki Jimny cricket. "The diameter of the same, but have a width of 8 inches. My custom again be 7 inches. So if we are using 160/60-14 tires, could be more rounded, "said a man who was 5 years old playing this modification. Sip!


Front tire: 120/60-14 Swallow
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Swallow
Exhaust: Password
Gas spontaneously: Kitaco
Raiser handlebars: Kitaco
Airs next: Variations Thailand
BJM Modified: 0812-2888-122

Suzuki Spin 125 Pasang Lampu Senja

lampuLampu di cover depan Suzuki Spin 125 terkesan mubazir. Itu karena hanya digunakan untuk lampu sein. Padahal dimensinya cukup besar. Hal ini yang membuat Karim mekanik Suzuki Arjosari Malang  kepikiran menambah lampu senja atau lampu kecil.

pasang lampu “Caranya gampang tapi efeknya terasa. Motor lebih keren dan semakin terlihat jelas di malam hari,” kata Karim sang mekanik. Kalau mau ikut pasang ayo. Pertama, cover depan dibuka beserta batok lampu. Setelah cover lepas, lanjut copot mika lampu sein dari rumahnya (gbr. 1). Setelah mika lepas, bagian rumah lampu dibor. “Posisi bor dibikin di atas sein, ukuran lubang disesuaikan sama bohlam yang mau dipasang (gbr. 2),” cerita Karim. Kali ini Karim membuat lubang berdiameter 12 mm untuk tempat bohlam. Bohlam kemudian dipasang ke lubang dan siap diberi arus.

Untuk arus listrik harus menyiapkan dua kabel di setiap lampu. “Kabel di lampu tambahan ini disambungkan ke soket lampu utama,” lanjut pria bertubuh sedang ini. Disambungkan ke kabel abu-abu dan hitam.

pasang lampu senja

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 Suzuki Celebrates A Championship And Overall Successful AMA Road Racing Season

October 7, 2010
American Suzuki Motor Corp. is proud to congratulate all of the racers who took the powerful GSX-R lineup of motorcycles to the top of the AMA Pro Road Racing circuit in 2010, including Martin Cardenas who earned the Daytona SportBike Championship aboard his GSX-R600. Suzuki had a great 2010 and took home the Manufacturer's Cup in both the AMA American SuperBike class with the strength and the power of the GSX-R1000 on the racetrack, as well as in the Daytona SportBike class with the championship-winning GSX-R600.

Martin Cardenas and his M4 Monster Energy Suzuki GSX-R600 took the championship at the series finale at Barber Motorsports Park in Leeds, Alabama, in the hotly contested Daytona SportBike class. His win in the second race of the doubleheader gave him enough points to edge out Danny Eslick and his Geico Powersports RMR Suzuki GSX-R600, who finished second in the class. Cardenas won a total of nine races in 2010 and was a consistent threat to others' championship hopes in the series. Eslick took his Suzuki to three wins during the season and was on the podium far more often than not in the highly competitive class. The GSX-R600 was a venerable threat on the track to all other competitors, and overall the machine won nine races and was on the podium a total of 25 times.

In the SuperBike class, Tommy Hayden took his Rockstar Energy Suzuki GSX-R1000 to second place overall in the championship, and with the strength of his season along with teammate Blake Young, they earned Suzuki the Manufacturer Championship in the series. Hayden took his first SuperBike-class win in 2010 and finished the year with five total wins. Young and his GSX-R1000 also won their first races of their career with a double victory at Road Atlanta, and a wild win in the rain during the final race of the season at Barber. John Hopkins, after recovering from an injury, finished off his 2010 season strong with three podium finishes aboard his M4 Monster Energy Suzuki GSX-R1000, finishing as high as second in the final race. Jake Zemke of the National Guard Jordan Suzuki team took first place in both races at Daytona. His GSX-R1000 worked flawlessly throughout both 44-mile, 15-lap races. The GSX-R1000 was victorious a total of 10 times in the SuperBike series and finished on the podium an impressive 26 times in all.

In the AMA SuperSport class, Suzuki made history in 2010 when Lucas Oil RMR's Elena Myers won at Infineon Raceway, making her the first female ever to win an AMA Pro Road Racing competition.

Congratulations to all the Suzuki racers in 2010, and we're looking forward to a successful 2011!

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Team sponsors: Rockstar, Makita, Yoshimura, Motorex, Dunlop, Galfer, RK Racing Chain, BMC Air Filter, NGK Spark Plugs, Color Rite, Renthal, Catalyst, F.Fabbri Accessori and Motion Pro.

About Suzuki: The Motorcycle/ATV Division of American Suzuki Motor Corporation (ASMC), Brea, Calif., was founded in 1963 by Suzuki Motor Corporation. ASMC markets motorcycles and ATVs via an extensive dealer network throughout 49 states. ASMC's parent company, Suzuki Motor Corporation (SMC), based in Hamamatsu, Japan, is a diversified worldwide manufacturer of motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, automobiles and marine engines. Founded in 1909 and incorporated in 1920, it has 120 distributors in 191 countries.

About Rockstar: ROCKSTAR is the world's most powerful Energy Drink. Enhanced with the potent herbal blend of Guarana, Ginkgo, Ginseng and Milk Thistle, ROCKSTAR is formulated to provide an incredible energy boost for those who lead active and exhausting lifestyles - from athletes to rock stars. ROCKSTAR Energy Drink is available in fourteen amazing flavors: Original, Sugar Free, Zero Carb, Juiced Mango, Juiced Guava, Juiced Pomegranate, Tropical Punched, Punched Citrus, Energy Cola, Recovery Lemonade, Roasted Mocha, Roasted Latte, Roasted Light Vanilla, and Roasted Espresso. ROCKSTAR ENERGY SHOTS are available in Wild Berry and Tropical Punch flavors, and coming in 2010 - ROCKSTAR ENERGY GUM.

About Makita: Makita is a worldwide manufacturer of industrial quality power tools and offers a wide range of industrial accessories. Makita applies leading-edge technology and innovation to engineer tools that are more compact with less weight yet deliver industrial strength power and results. Makita innovation includes Makita LXT®, the industry’s first 18V lithium-ion cordless lineup. For more information visit Follow Makita at, and The Makita Teal color is the trade dress of Makita Corporation and is protected under common law and registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Makita is Best in Class Engineering.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Sportbike

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Front View

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Green Black Special Edition

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Black Series

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Official Pictures

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Supersport Bike

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Wallpaper

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2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Sportbike

2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Front View2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Green Black Special Edition2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Black Series2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Official Pictures2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Supersport Bike2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Wallpaper

Ducati Streetfighter S First Look 2011

2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Images

2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Photos

2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Black

2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Motorcycles

2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Rear Side View

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2011 Ducati Streetfighter S First Look

2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Images2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Photos2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Black2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Motorcycles2011 Ducati Streetfighter S Rear Side View

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sport Motorcycle Tires

2011 Bimota Tesi 3D2011 Bimota Tesi 3D2011 Bimota Tesi 3DSport Motorcycle TiresReferred to as sport bias motorcycle tires, these usually have a radial-style tread patterns that give it a larger tire "footprint", (contact with the road surface). Sport bikes are usually made to be run hard on the road, and maybe even do some off-road duty. Proper adherence to the surface contact with the

G 650 Xcountry

The most versatile member of BMW Motorrad’s fresh new G series line up, the G 650 Xcountry is the classic scrambler concept topped off with a few modern features unique to BMW, like a zippy 53 hp single cylinder engine, and a high performance lightweight design. With a round head lamp, round side panels and black, anodized wheels, the look of the Xcountry is edgy and totally striking.

2011 Bimota DB6 Delirio

 2011 Bimota DB6 Delirio2011 Bimota DB6 Delirio2011 Bimota DB6 Delirio2011 Bimota DB6 Delirio2010 BIMOTA DB6 Delirio, On January 27, 2006, the first prototype of what was to become yet another new Bimota model since the resurrection of the brand, On January 27, 2006, the first prototype of what was to become yet another new Bimota model since the resurrection of the brand, left the

2011 Ducati Monster

The new Monster 696 and 796 are available in an amzing 13 different colors comes in traditional Ducati red, new arctic white silk or diamond black silk with all three colours against a red Trellis frame and black wheels, which feature a new red flash around 60° of the rim side, creating a red stripe at speed. Monster Art extends the 3 standard colours to 13 with the new collection, ‘

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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2011 Yamaha YZF-R6 Gallery

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Monday, October 18, 2010

2011 Indian Chief Classic

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2011 Indian Chief Dark Horse

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2011 Buell Lightning CityX XB12SX

The CityX has always been one of the most stand-out models in Buell’s already unique range. The 2010 Buell Lightning CityX XB12SX adds the ubiquitous 93bhp, 77lb/ft 1203cc Sportster-derived V-twin to the CityX’s upright chassis, iMac-influenced translucent bodywork and supermoto-inspired styling cues. That’s a 13bhp, 19lb/ft advantage for only a 2kg weight penalty (the XB12SX weighs just

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Modification Zaeta 530 Motor Italian Cross Chopper

This Motor created by Paolo Chiaia and Graziano Rossi, the Zaeta 530 is a clay clue aggressive motorcycle accessible in alley acknowledged or antagonism versions.
Modification Zaeta 530 Motor Italian Cross Chopper.
An Italian-made 530cc single-cylinder agent fills up the animate cradle anatomy and is captivated up by almost angular abeyance components. They’re all that’s all-important as the accomplished affair weighs aloof 115kg/253lbs (wet).
The Zaeta 530 collapsed tracker’s colours and bench can be personalised to clothing customer’s desires, and two altered appendage sections of the bike are offered – street-legal and antagonism spec. However the anatomy and agent are non-negotiable. Modification Zaeta 530 Motor Italian Cross Chopper
Modification Zaeta 530 Motor Italian Cross Chopper
Modification Zaeta 530 Motor Italian Cross Chopper
Modification Zaeta 530 Motor Italian Cross Chopper

Friday, October 15, 2010

Honda CBR1000RR 2011

2011 Honda CBR1000RR Front View

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aprilia RS 250

Aprilia RS 250

Aprilia RS 125

Aprilia RS 125

Motor Balap

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Benelli Tornado Tre

Benelli Tornado Tre



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Minerva 250cc

Minerva 250cc

2011 Kawasaki ZX-10R Revealed

Top to bottom makeover for the big Kwak
From the September, 2010 issue of Super Streetbike
2011 Kawasaki ZX 10R Front Top View

It's been a long and ugly road for the ZX-10R. Introduced in 2004 as one of the meanest literbikes ever, it got ever-uglier over the years. While its brute motor has always been near the top of the charts, its odd looks haven't.
2011 Kawasaki ZX 10R Concept
Will this be enough to end the German reign of terror? We should know very soon. In the meantime, check out for news, blogs and updated photos on the new bike.

Ransom Motorcycles Revelation Concept

Ransom Motorcycles Revelation Concept
"Ransom Motorcycles is proud to announce that the Original Ransom Revelation concept is now available for sale. This motorcycle is THE concept that started it ALL for Ransom Motorcycles. The Revelation has been featured in dozens of magazines worldwide and has had countless online features globally.
Ransom Motorcycles Revelation Concept
This is your opportunity to own the motorcycle that is leading the revolution in custom motorcycles. Offers are now being taken for this ground breaking, world renowned concept. All reasonable offers will be considered. Please submit your offer and or questions

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Aprilia USA Introduces the 2011 Aprilia 750 Shiver to U.S. Dealers

2011 Aprilia 750 Shiver Right Side
NEW YORK – September 30, 2010 – Aprilia USA, the North American importer and distributor of award-winning motorcycles, announces the introduction of the 2011 Aprilia 750 Shiver. With a revised handlebar position, narrower seat and adjusted footpegs, the Aprilia Shiver boasts a much sportier riding position. Riders will find that the bike’s erognomic design is perfect for short trips as well as longer hauls.

1200 Aprilia Tuareg

 Motomodif: We view with some test on the road, un'enduro large displacement and vocation fuoristradistica signed with Aprilia. No pictures but here's a preview of how it could be

1200 Aprilia Tuareg. It could be that, in our opinion, the name dell'endurona which is already testing Aprilia Road, perhaps waiting to present at 2009 dell'Eicma with other forms of cylinder 1200 to be adopted on Dorsoduro, and Shiver Shiver GT. We, meanwhile, thanks to the collaboration of our designer Luca Bar, we have begun to envisage how it could be, according to observation fleeting but also from close range of the prototype that is already turning to the streets to be tested. We saw it while going with a KTM 990 Adventure, which suggests that there will not be far away, if only as the concept. Still lacked definitive superstructure but a first idea we could able to do. And behold, then, the front 21 "to what is, for example, that on his BMW 1200 GS mounts a wheel the size or the longer road with cousin Guzzi Stelvio. Chassis lattice, in perfect Aprilia style which gives us many years of cycling in all respect and will not fail - we are sure - to do the same on the new Tuareg twenty years later.

Returning to the name, we think that would be abandoned the mark "Caponord" which - though successful - was associated with a motorcycle and off road, and of different design. So why not to dust the Tuareg who created so many riders and so many dreams? However, now that you exit from Pegaso Aprilia list, one could also imagine displacements smaller for the new Tuareg who could also count on the 750cc engine that debuted in 2007 on the Shiver.

We are, therefore, information officers or, at least, new sightings to update you on the new Aprilia from road enduro.

MV Agusta F4 2010

 Motomodif: Few days at the debut of the new sport of MV Agusta with 186 horses. After the savage in two displacements, renewed the F4 over the years has drawn new stylistic canons

MV Agusta F4 2010. The new F4 is a project that innovates in the line of tradition and wants to keep alive the dream of a unique sporting experience: an authentic movement, modern and capable of extraordinary performance.

The engine has been revolutionized: ipercompatto a four cylinder in-line 998 cc, capable of 186 hp at 12,900 rpm, where the most sophisticated engine engineering is combined with the most advanced electronic management solutions. Dual injectors, conducted at length, slipper clutch, traction control adjustable on 8 levels, making it one of the most sophisticated and advanced engines on the market plus the uniqueness of radial valves.

The completely revised chassis dimensions, the new single-sided swingarm while longer and lighter and the sector fully adjustable suspension combine to make the F4 unique.

The bike that has revolutionized the understanding of sportsmanship on two wheels becomes even more beautiful, sleek and modern, while keeping intact the unmistakable design "Made in MV. The new bi-xenon headlight with a lamp, the new fairing super tight for a reduced width to the minimum absolutely
terms and the new exhaust "pipe organ" pattern with 4-in-1 restyling, are distinctive elements that identify the F4, the most exclusive motorcycle in the world.

Monday, October 11, 2010

All New 2011 Suzuki GSX-R600 and GSX-R750 Unveiled, Official Photos and Info

2011 Suzuki GSX R600 Right Side
Suzuki is pulling out all the stops in 2011 with the release of an all new GSX-R600 and 750. Despite fresh bodywork that loosely resembles the older model, Suzuki officials report the bike is all new from the ground up. If that’s not riveting enough, Suzuki claims it hasn’t released a new model with this many improvements since the jump to the SRAD models in 1996. Those are bold words indeed, considering the SRAD era rewrote sportbike history.
2011 Suzuki GSX R750 Right Side
Other noteworthy upgrades include new Brembo 4-pot radial-mounted front brake calipers and the Nissin single unit from the GSX-R1000 out back. Showa 43mm Big Piston Forks (BPF) first seen on the ZX-6R are now standard on both Gixxer models. Technoweenies will also rejoice because the S-DMS selectable fueling maps from the GSX-R1000 have found their way onto the new smaller brothers, except you’ll only get two maps this go-around.

Fast by Gast Superbike Finals

Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Dobrin
For the second straight race, class newcomer Johnny “Turbo” Dobrin qualified number 1 in HTP Performance Real Street, this time with a 7.924. Points leader Jeremy Teasley and the Adams Performance/RS Motorsports Kawasaki ZX14 were way down the ladder in 15th. But Teasley and the team found their groove on raceday and Jeremy beat teammate Mark Billiter in the semifinals. Dobrin beat fellow turbo campaigner Michael Glace in the other semi, and he and Teasley will race for the spoils at the series finale in Rockingham on November 6. Dobrin also set the turbo Real Street MPH record over the weekend, but Teasley clinched the Real Street points championship. Ashon “Capo” Dickerson won Real Street B.
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Teasley
Teasley's nitrous huffing Pro Street Kawasaki ZX14 encountered a litany of problems as he aimed for the 7.0s and beyond. Jeremy, who recently was hoping to add a Pro Street championship along with his Real Street crown, failed to make the field by .03. Ehren Litten beat Ed Noll in the Pro Street B final, and Ryan Schnitz set the nitrous Pro Street MPH record on the HTP Performance Hayabusa.
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Lynn
Maryland native Ronnie Procopio out-qualified 22 other bikes in Pro Comp, the eighth mile class for nitrous Pro Mods, turbo Funnybikes and nitro Harleys. Procopio pushed his nitrous Suzuki to a 4.103 at 170.64 mph, but was nailed to the tree in the semis by multi-time Funnybike champ Keith Lynn, who won on a holeshot. Mark Paquette, also on a turbo Funnybike, beat Frank Christian in the other semi before the rain came. Since Pro Comp doesn't run at Rockingham, the two finalists split the purse. Procopio, Lynn, and Jamie “Track Star” Emery all set records with their various combinations.
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Gadson
Superstar Rickey Gadson qualified number 1 in House of Speed Crazy 8's with an 8.883. Rickey took out points leader Eddie “Who” Chapman in round 2, thus increasing his own championship hopes. Sadly, the 47 strong field was halted then by the weather. Gadson and the other 11 riders left in split purse and points.
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Windsor
Jay Windsor qualified number 1 against a whopping 159 FBR Shop Quick 32 bikes, a field that finished with an 8.29 bump spot. Windsor was still alive when the rains came, as were Bobby Woolfolk, Chris Clontz and points leader Boo Brown. Those veteran racers split the purse and the points.
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Rankin
Michael Rankin beat Kip Green in Saturday night's Fast By Gast Pro ET race, and Sunday's race was halted after round 2. Tyron Davis beat redlighting Darrell Mahoney in Saturday's Schnitz Racing Street ET race. Sunday's race only made it past round 1.
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Delee
As always, Afterdark Underground was a lively session of the East Coast's top grudge bikes. In the marquee event of the night, Lavar “Lil' Charlie” Delee on “Detox” beat Teasley on “Now and Later.”
Fast By Gast Superbike Finals Paquette
The Mickey Thompson Performance Tires MiRock Superbike Series finishes out the season November 6-7 at the Lee's Performance Finals at Rockingham Dragway in North Carolina. That last chance event of the year is always off the hook with huge fields and festive Carolina crowds—the perfect setting for ending points battles and settling grudges.

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